Do you ever ask your husband to do something and he responds with here, let me teach you how. Dude, I know how to change the light bulb. I just want you to do it. I have an idea, let me show YOU how to cook dinner. Can we just agree that although we are both capable, I will typically cook dinner and you can usually change the light bulbs?!
This brings me to toilets. Now certainly, women can plunge a toilet. But my husband comes from a family of plumbers for cryin’ out loud – this is his territory. Regardless of your family’s stance on unappealing household chores, this is a great trick to unclog a toilet for plunger-averse husbands and wives alike. It’s so easy, you can even teach your kids how to do it.
The best part is, you don’t have to touch anything OR use a plunger! All you need is Dawn dish soap and a little bit of time. The general consensus when cleaning with Dawn is not to waste your time with alternatives – use the original blue Dawn dish soap. Simply squirt a generous amount into the clogged toilet and wait. Let’s say 20 minutes. When you return you should see the water level has come down. Flush the toilet. If it fills back up with water, repeat the process. Most recently, I used this trick with a toilet containing approximately ¼ roll of toilet paper, among other things. You can thank me later for not taking pictures of the process 😊 This particular clean up took 2 rounds of Dawn, and then it was good as new!
There you have it – you can pitch the plunger! Now go ahead, impress someone with your skills, you can even show them how.